Sunday, February 21, 2016

Twelve Reasons Why Progressive Christianity Will Die Out

There is a very interesting article as titlted above that recommend. Please follow this link:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

God Bless the USA!

Dissent form the actions of GC 2015

Communion Partners Salt Lake City Statement

The 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, in passing Resolutions A036 and A054, has made a significant change in the Church’s understanding of Christian marriage. As bishops of the Church, we must dissent from these actions.

We affirm Minority Report #1, which was appended to the text of Resolution A036:

The nature, purpose, and meaning of marriage, as traditionally understood by Christians, are summed up in the words of the Book of Common Prayer:

“The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence and first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and Holy Scripture commends it to be honored by all people.

The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord” (BCP, p. 423)

The nature, purpose, and meaning of marriage are linked to the relationship of man and woman. The promises and vows of marriage presuppose husband and wife as the partners who are made one flesh in marriage. This understanding is a reasonable one, as well as in accord with Holy Scripture and Christian tradition in their teaching about marriage.

When we were ordained as bishops in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, we vowed to “guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church of God” (BCP, p. 518). We renew that promise; and in light of the actions of General Convention, and of our own deep pastoral and theological convictions, we pledge ourselves to:

“Maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3). The bonds created in baptism are indissoluble, and we share one bread and one cup in the Eucharist. We are committed to the Church and its people, even in the midst of painful disagreement.

“Speak the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). When we disagree with the Church’s actions, we will do so openly and transparently and – with the Spirit’s help – charitably. We are grateful that Resolution A054 includes provision for bishops and priests to exercise their conscience; but we realize at the same time that we have entered a season in which the tensions over these difficult matters may grow. We pray for the grace to be clear about our convictions and, at the same time, to love brothers and sisters with whom we disagree.

“Welcome one another . . . just as Christ has welcomed [us]” (Rom. 15:7). Our commitment to the Church includes a commitment to our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. We will walk with them, pray with and for them, and seek ways to engage in pastoral conversation. We rejoice that Jesus’ embrace includes all of us.

We are mindful that the decisions of the 78th General Convention do not take place in isolation. The Episcopal Church is part of a larger whole, the Anglican Communion. We remain committed to that Communion and to the historic See of Canterbury, and we will continue to honor the three moratoria requested in the Windsor Report and affirmed by the Instruments of Communion.

We invite bishops and any Episcopalians who share these commitments to join us in this statement, and to affirm with us our love for our Lord Jesus Christ, our commitment to The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion, and our dissent from these actions.

The Rt. Rev’d John C. Bauerschmidt, Bishop of Tennessee 
The Rt. Rev’d Gregory O. Brewer, Bishop of Central Florida 
The Rt. Rev’d Daniel W. Herzog, Bishop of Albany, resigned 
The Rt. Rev’d Paul E. Lambert, Bishop Pro Tem of Dallas 
The Rt. Rev’d Edward S. Little II, Bishop of Northern Indiana 
The Rt. Rev’d William H. Love, Bishop of Albany

Communion Partner signatories:

The Rt. Rev’d Daniel H. Martins, Bishop of Springfield
The Rt. Rev’d Edward L. Salmon, Bishop of South Carolina, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d William J. Skilton, Assistant Bishop of Dominican Republic, resigned 

The Rt. Rev’d Michael G. Smith, Bishop of North Dakota
The Rt. Rev’d Don A. Wimberly, Bishop of Texas, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d Bruce MacPherson, Bishop of Western Louisiana, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d John Howe, Bishop of Central Florida, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d Russell Jacobus, Bishop of Fond du Lac, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d James Adams, Bishop of Western Kansas, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d David Reed, Bishop Coadjutor of West Texas
The Rt. Rev’d James M. Stanton, Bishop of Dallas, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d Francis C. Gray, Bishop of Northern Indiana, resigned
The Rt. Rev’d William Frey, Bishop of Colorado, resigned

The Rt. Rev’d E. Ambrose Gumbs, Bishop of Virgin Islands 
The Rt. Rev’d Julio Holguin, Bishop of Dominican Republic 
The Rt. Rev’d Alfredo Morante, Bishop of Ecuador Litoral 
The Rt. Rev’d Jean Zache Duracin, Bishop of Haiti

Other signatories:
The Rt. Rev’d Francisco José Duque Gómez, Bishop of Colombia 
The Rt. Rev’d Orlando Guerrero, Venezuela
The Rt. Rev’d Lloyd Allen, Bishop of Honduras
The Rt. Rev’d Johnson Howard, Bishop of Florida

Episcopalians may register their public support of the above statement at Please provide name; diocese and congregation; email or mailing address; and indicate whether one is a bishop, priest, deacon or lay person.