Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Rector's E-Mail List

We are always trying to figure out ways to better communicate with one another. Four decades ago that meant writing letters to people. Thirty years ago I got my first fax machine. Twenty five years ago I purchased my first mobile telephone. Twenty plus years ago I got my first computer. Shortly thereafter a friend at my church told me about something called the Internet that scientists from the nearby Fermi Lab were using to exchange messages. More recently I find that I am a frequent recipient of text messages from my daughters. On and on it goes. But I must admit that I truly have enjoyed the changes in technology – (okay maybe not the newest Microsoft atrocity, Vista) – and all the ease of communication that this technology has wrought.

With that all in mind I was reminded that a friend of mine, who is the Dean of the Cathedral in the Diocese of Dallas, initiated what he calls the Dean’s E-Mail List. This is a voluntary list of parishioners who through providing their e-mail addresses to the Dean get up to date breaking parish news, diocesan communication and weekly inspirational tidbits from my friend.

I loved the idea. So I am issuing an invitation. If you would like to be on the Rector’s E-Mail List you may join by sending me your e-mail at fatherjoel@christchurchswfla.org or fatherjoel@tampabay.rr.com. We will also provide cards that can be filled out on Sundays and turned in during the collection at any service. I will commence mailing on the Rector’s E-Mail List the first week of June. I think this service will provide benefit to those who spend several months every year traveling as well as assisting those of us with busy working schedules to keep up on all things Christ Church. This is a way to stay part of the community of Christ Church and the Body of Christ here, there and everywhere as we live our fast paced lives in today’s ever changing world!