Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Kanuga Renewal Conference and the Smokies

Having spent the last week and half at the Kanuga Renewal Conference and then doing a little hiking and fishing in the Smokies, I have returned to warm and wonderful Florida. The main speaker at the conference was the Reverend Doctor Paul Zahl. Paul is the former Dean of Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania and is currently Rector of All Saints in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The main message of the week was grace and law. As is typical with PZ, there was a wonderous mix of pop culture, rock music and old movie references. PZ is the most idiosyncratic individual I know. Who else can recommend getting "toy" guns for your sons, know the work of Andy Warhol's last four years intimately, quote Jack Kerouac contantly, and speak on grace and the law for seven sessions and not lose his audience?

I always leave the Renewal Conference invigorated! This year was no exception. I have been inspired to look more closely at the message of God's grace in new and exciting ways. If you are interested in learning more about Paul Zahl, I would recommend either 2000 Years of Amazing Grace or his more recent Grace in Practice: A Theology for Everyday Life. These books will give you a new perspective on God's grace and love. I have already signed up for next year's Renewal Conference which runs from Sunday, June 28 to Friday, July 3, 2009. The main speaker will be the Right Reverend Mike Hill, the Bishop of Bristol in the Church of England. I encourage everyone to begin thinking about attending the Kanuga Renewal Conference in 2009.