Wednesday, February 13, 2013

John Stott on pluralism

And in one of those memorable exchanges, the Rev. John R. W. Stott one of the world’s leading Anglican Bible teachers was once being quizzed on pluralism.
After he had concluded his remarks the floor was opened up for questions. A young man in the back of the room rose and asked the following question.
Dr. Stott, in your writings you often speak of relevance and the Christian Faith in an increasingly pluralistic world. How does one articulate the Gospel in a manner that both makes it relevant and yet respecting the belief systems of others in a civil manner.”
John Stott replied, “What I think that I hear you saying is, ‘How do I proclaim the Gospel without offending anyone?’ Is that about right?
To this the young man eagerly agreed.
John Stott then replied, “Can’t be done!

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